The image of the Brothers that most readily comes to mind is one of men in black habits with starched, bright white collars. It’s one of formality, tradition, and discipline. However, the men behind the collar are multifaceted, with roots that run deep and personalities far more unique than what is seen on the surface.
We invite you to get to know our Brothers on a deeper level through the snapshots below.
Br. Michael Kadow
The Senior Brothers have always inspired me! Their willingness to learn, try new things, and continue to serve are a true blessing.
Br. Johnathon Emanuelson
In July of 2023, Brother Johnathon Emanuelson became the most recent Brother to profess his final vows after discerning religious life.
Br. Terence McLauglin
Why I Became a Brother? There was a void in my life. The humanity of the Brothers lifestyle, friendly, manly-good teachers attracted me- and that was 83 years ago!
Br. Paul Ackerman
If Brother Paul looks familiar, he is featured on this year’s KabarA Challenge mailer and website. In his role, he accompanies the senior Brothers as they navigate aging, retirement, and continuing to live their vocation.
Br. Douglas Hawkins
From 4th grade on, and especially after Confirmation in 6th grade, I was aiming at becoming a Priest. Then I went to high school. The Brothers were there. Young Brothers, involved with students, gym nights, service projects, and they looked like they enjoyed each other.
Br. Joseph Martin
In my early years at Lewis University, I taught “Introduction to Christianity” for several semesters. The classes had students from all years. One semester I was correcting final exams in the blue books we used. One female student wrote on the first page, “Please read and correct my entire exam before reading the last page.”
Br. Robert Smith
I went to a “Brothers’ High School,” Cretin in St. Paul, MN, and there were perhaps 30 Brothers there; half over 40 or so and half under. Among the younger Brothers, two of them were my hockey coaches, one of whom was my Sophomore English teacher; another young Brother taught Freshman Religion. All in all, they …
Br. Ed Staszak
I attended co-ed grade and high school and got into trouble sophomore year (I probably could have been expelled from the school but at that time I was not). After a period of reflecting, I began to think about helping or influencing people - young people in particular. I thought of those words, helping or influencing…
Br. James Gaffney
Like many Brothers, I was greatly inspired by most of the Brothers I came to know during my high school years at Saint Mel in Chicago. They appeared to be greatly interested in and supportive of each student. They reached out to assist those who were struggling or perhaps heading toward expulsion…
Br. Tom Hetland
My family was always supportive of religious vocation. I had never met a “Brother” until I went to St. George High School in Evanston. I admired the Brothers. Brother Henry Benedict was my freshman religion and Latin teacher. He invited me to give the Brothers a …
Br. Stephen Markham
I was impressed with the Franciscan Sisters of Dubuque, IA who ran the schools I attended for grades 1 - 12. Then when I was seriously ill while in grade 8 and was homeschooled under the guidance of Sister Verina, her kindness and personal attention inspired me and I recall thinking at the time…
Br. Kevin Fitzgerald
I was interested in religious life of some sort and was encouraged to try the Christian Brothers while in conversation with my mother who knew the Brothers who had been had at De La Salle, Joliet, Ill. until 1933. I attended Joliet Catholic High School but never took an interest in the Carmelite …
Br. Thomas Dupré
In my senior year of high school (60-61), Br. Kiaran Daniel McMullin came to one of my classes and talked about the Brothers. It planted a seed in my mind. I thought about it for two years of college and finally decided to try it out. I joined in 1963.
Br. Rob Veselsky
I was 15 years old when I met the Brothers and I was inspired by their joy and happiness and I wanted that so I asked my parents if I could join the Brothers…they said YES never thinking I would stay.
Br. Mark Engelmeyer
Brother Milton Barker was one of my mentor Brothers. I always enjoyed visiting with him when I was visiting the Twin Cities.
Br. Frank Carr
I was fortunate to have the Brothers in high school – at Holy Name in Escanaba, MI. Two who took an interest in me and were mentors were Brothers Jude Denis Murphy and Luke of Jesus Rost. They encouraged me to consider the Brothers, and after my Dad …
Br. David Galinski
Brother Emory Hogan was my novice master and a man I really loved. He showed me what being a Brother was all about. He lived what he preached and I've tried to follow his example throughout my life as a Brother!