Christian Brothers
of the Midwest
The Christian Brothers Midwest District is one of four Districts in the Lasallian Region of North America, also known as the Région Lasallienne de l’Amérique du Nord (RELAN). RELAN is comprised of Lasallian ministries in the United States and Canada. The Midwest District encompasses seven states and includes 3 universities, 12 high schools, 3 middle schools, 5 retreat and educational centers, 1 publishing house, and the Provincialate Office. Within the District there are 95 Brothers and hundreds of their lay partners, all working together to further the mission of the De La Salle Christian Brothers.

Mission is a big word. For us, mission means how and why we educate young boys and girls and young men and women from kindergarten to advanced university degrees. We think of our mission as educating minds & touching hearts with the love of Christ, and preparing those entrusted to our care for a viable life in the real world.
When you partner with us as educators, staff, administrators, associates, donors, and as volunteers, you become associated as part of the Lasallian mission worldwide. We are people who are concerned for and have compassion for those our ministries serve, and your participation helps us to advance our critical mission. Please know that we are grateful.
Contact us:
Samantha VenHuizen
Associate Director of Development Services & Special Projects
(630)323-3725 ext. 218
7650 S. County Line Road, Suite B
Burr Ridge, IL 60527-7959