The Christian Brothers Midwest District is one of four Districts in the Lasallian Region of North America, also known as the Région Lasallienne de l’Amérique du Nord (RELAN). RELAN is comprised of Lasallian ministries in the United States and Canada. The Midwest District encompasses seven states and includes 3 universities, 12 high schools, 3 middle schools, 5 retreat and educational centers, 1 publishing house, and the Provincialate Office. Within the District there are 95 Brothers and hundreds of their lay partners, all working together to further the mission of the De La Salle Christian Brothers.
The following Brothers continue to fill important leadership roles in our District including: managing the Provincial Office, running formation programs, teaching in classrooms, encouraging new vocations, and overseeing the health and well-being of our retired Brothers.
Br. Paul Ackerman | Br. Armand Alcazar | Br. Michael Lee Anderson | Br. Kenneth Arnold | Br. Bede Baldry | Br. Henry Baldwin | Br. Joel Baumeyer | Br. Roger Betzold | Br. Felix Bland | Br. John Blease | Br. Ray Bonderer |Br. Bernard Brungardt |Br. William Brynda | Br. Christopher Buck | Br. Charles Burke | Br. Francis Carr | Br. Kent Connolly | Br. Kevin Convey | Br. Patrick Conway | Br. Fred Dillenburg | Br. Thomas Dupre | Br. Dominic Ehrmantraut | Br. Johnathon Emanuelson | Br. Mark Engelmeyer |Br. Chris Englert | Br. Michael Fehrenbach | Br. Kevin Fitzgerald | Br. Christopher Ford |Br. George Fowley | Br. Michael French | Br. Michael Fugger | Br. James Gaffney |
Br. David Galinski | Br. Dennis Galvin | Br. Richard Geimer | Br. Paul Grass | Br. Charles Gregor | Br. John Grover | Br. Mark Gubbels | Br. Peter Hannon | Br. Thomas Harding | Br. Douglas Hawkins | Br. Thomas Hetland | Br. Thomas Houde | Br. Lawrence Humphrey | Br. Roman Jarosz | Br. Philip Johnson | Br. Thomas Johnson | Br. Philip Jones | Br. Michael Kadow | Br. Neil Kieffe | Br. Matthew Kotek | Br. Leo Kramper | Br. James Krause | Br. David Kuebler | Br. Leon Leba | Br. Bernard LoCoco | Br. Stephen Markham | Br. Joseph Martin | Br. Paul McDonough | Br. Joel McGraw | Br. Terence McLaughlin | Br. Raymond McManaman | Br. Arnold McMullen | Br. Richard Merkel | Br. Martin Montoya |
Br. Dale Mooney |Br. Michael O’Hern | Br. Christopher Oddo | Br. Alan Parham | Br. Dylan Perry | Br. Michael Phipps | Br. David Poos |Br. Michael Quirk |Br. Michael Rivers | Br. Roderick Robertson | Br. Louis Rodemann | Br. Richard Roller | Br. James Roszak | Br. Joseph Saurbier | Br. Larry Schatz | Br. Michael Schmelzer | Br. Steven Schonhoff | Br. Martin Sellner | Br. Gustavo Sinco | Br. Robert Smith | Br. Mark Snodgrass | Br. Pierre St. Raymond | Br. Edward Staszak | Br. Thomas Sullivan | Br. Daniel Susek | Br. Peter Tripp | Br. Steven Vasoli | Br. Robert Veselsky | Br. John Vietoris | Br. Robert Walsh | Br. Robert Werle | Br. William Woeger