The 2024 KabarA Challenge has a goal of raising
$500,000 for the care of our senior Brothers.
This includes a match of $250,000 on gifts up to $5,000.
“The KabarA Challenge is a wonderful opportunity to be able to say THANK YOU to God for the opportunity to have been educated by dedicated men, women and Christian Brothers who are committed to a Lasallian Education that is unique in the Catholic education tradition.
As a retired Brother, I have seen the care older Brothers received ‘in community with other Brothers,’ and the opportunities they receive in their final years, both physical and psychological. Our opportunities for deep and lasting relationships are many, and thanks to the KabarA Challenge, our elder years are rich because of the goodness of our many former students who support us.”
— Br. Kevin Fitzgerald
Brother Bernard LoCoco, FSC
Age 88
Although my doctor is advising that I slow down, I am invigorated by the work of the mission. I have been fortunate to have presented workshops in Australia and San Antonio, TX, and a Brothers retreat in the Far East in the last few years. I enjoy spending time with the Brothers in my community, and I have found that mealtime is a wonderful time for sharing, remembering and providing inspiration.
Brother Armand Alcazar, FSC
Age 76
I still feel called to give retreats; to serve on boards; to present on the findings of Springtide Research, helping adults understand how young people's talents and needs have changed from other generations; to use my musical talents; to be part of our Lasallian formation programs. I also enjoy the time to connect with my former students, friends, and faculties from days gone by. It's a blessed time that I truly treasure.
Brother Bede Baldry, FSC
Age 76
I am retired but continue to live my vocation through education and service missions. I spend time as a Spiritual Director/ Companion with a few students and others who wish to spend time thinking of God in their lives. I also do some pastoral ministry at the Catholic Worker and Bethany House in Winona, MN. I am blessed that I also get to spend quality time with my family.
Brother Mark Gubbels, FSC
Age 93
I spend my retirement volunteering at Church Health, a clinic for those uninsured and underserved in Memphis, TN. I also became certified with the Literacy Council to teach adults to read. I enjoy staying involved in my community. I do the grocery shopping on Senior Day to receive the 20% discount. I lead morning prayers on Thursdays, and on Sundays I choose an appropriate hymn, lead the singing, do the 2nd reading and lead the Alleluia. And I drive for Br. Terence who is 101.
You Make A Difference
Still Relevant Today
What it Funds
The KabarA Challenge was started as a way to support our aging senior Brothers with the rising costs of healthcare. Since the beginning of the Challenge, Brothers have seen their care significantly improve. Some are utilizing assisted living or skilled nursing facilities. They are able to purchase walkers, updated communication equipment, and Life Alert monitors. They also benefit from the expansion of the nursing department within the Midwest District, and so much more. Without these life-changing gifts, our senior Brothers would not be able to have the dignified retirement they deserve.
Future Brother Needs
Our senior Brothers have devoted their lives to the care and education of students across the world. As the order continues to grow and educate more than 1,000,000 students worldwide, the need for future care of our senior Brothers also grows. Of the 95 Brothers in the Midwest District, 93% are considered senior Brothers. This number continues to grow with more Brothers retiring every year. Without the funds from the KabarA Challenge, these Brothers would not be able to afford this life-saving care.