Meet Br. Thomas Dupré
The Midwest District interviewed Br. Thomas Dupré, a Senior Brother living at the La Salle Community at Lewis University (Romeoville, Illinois) and serves as an Associate Professor of Computer and Mathematical Sciences.
What inspired you to become a Christian Brother?
In my senior year of high school (60-61), Br. Kiaran Daniel McMullin came to one of my classes and talked about the Brothers. It planted a seed in my mind. I thought about it for two years of college and finally decided to try it out. I joined in 1963.
Tell us about a Brother mentor in your life.
It’s been a long time, but I believe I recall Br Fabian (Ryan) telling me during my first year of teaching at St Joseph High School (Westchester , Illinois) that I was “doing a terrific job.” I don’t think I felt that way, but it was good to hear. Another person who comes to mind was not a Brother, but a lay teacher (Emmett Holland), at St. Joseph High School. He sat in my classes and told me that I would be a fine teacher. I never forgot it.
Share a few of your favorite stories from your time serving in schools.
In my first year of teaching at St. Joseph High School, I asked a class to name an infinite set. One student suggested all the trees in the world. It was a wrong answer, and I asked him why it was infinite. He replied something along these lines: “Because by the time you get through counting, more trees have grown.” Clever!
I was proving the theorem of Pythagoras to a class of sophomore geometry students at Driscoll High School, and a student called out in an excited voice, “I get it!”
Some years ago, I got an email from a student I had at Driscoll High School many years before. He mentioned that I had helped him in his choice of a college major. He also mentioned that he didn’t think teachers got enough credit for what they do. I believe he was double-major in both mathematics and computer science in college, and apparently he is apparently very successful in his career.
Some time back I was checking out at Walgreen’s, and a young woman said to me, Are you Br Tom?” I said that I was, and she said to the cashier, “I’ll pay the bill.”
How do you inspire Young Brothers or Lay Partners in the Lasallian Community?
Difficult question. I have very little contact with younger Brothers, in part because there are so few of them. For lay partners, if I know them well enough, I often send them an email around the time of their birthday, thanking them for their good work. In general, we do not know our impact on others.
What is one wish you have for the next generation?
To be of service. Here’s a quote from Albert Schweitzer: "I do not know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know, the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve."
What is one gift you would present to your students?
The desire to make the world a better place for their having been here.
What is life like after retirement?
It’s about finding a way to serve.