Meet Br. Terence

The Midwest District interviewed Br. Terence McLaughlin, a senior Brother who is retired and living in Memphis, TN. Br. Terence is the oldest living Brother in the Midwest District; he turned 100 years old in December 2022.

Why I Became a Brother? There was a void in my life. The humanity of the Brothers lifestyle, friendly, good teachers attracted me–and that was 83 years ago! 

There are many inspirational figures among the Christian Brothers, but in my younger years, two were particularly influential: Brother Leopold Dodd and Brother Philip Matthew. In my later years, I found myself inspired by Brother Joel Damien and Brother Alphonsus Pluth. I learned a great deal from all of them, far beyond the management of everyday challenges.  

My wish for the Next Generation? The Electronic Age has wiped out the personal from people’s lives, especially young people. I’d like for them to experience some part of the simpler lifestyle of their parents and grandparents. In progress, something is lost. The experience of a humbler, poorer lifestyle, at least for a time, at least in part, will afford a new perspective on life. 

What does the KabarA Challenge mean to me? What the KabarA Challenge means to me is simple: The Challenge and those who donate to it, gives new life to those of us in our retirement years. Rather than just living out our years, it gives retirees opportunities to remain active in the mission through things such as mission-based projects or volunteering.  A “Godsend” of support and encouragement. KabarA!

Life After Retirement? I’m 100 and am bringing local affiliates into closer contact with our two communities. I feel that the only real way to enjoy retirement is to add a responsibility—volunteer or otherwise, to the life.